Crisis: The Trial of Ted Bundy

Crisis committees are special committees due to the fact they deal with issues of immediate importance, often wars and disasters. The status quo of the committee will constantly be changing and updating which can be based on the decisions of the delegates. Instead of writing typical resolutions like in other committees, delegates will draft quick action plans called public directives. These public directives still need to be passed by the committee similarly to how other committees pass resolutions. Due to the fast pace and quick thinking required, crisis committees are usually for advanced and experienced delegates who can handle the pace of this committee.

Meet The Dais

Arshia Mehra | Head Chair

Arshia Mehra is a junior at Singapore American School and is delighted to be serving as Head Chair for IntrcMUN year. This will be her 5th year doing MUN, during the course of which she has attended numerous conferences both internationally and locally. This conference being her second one online. Arshia has previously chaired four conferences, but is especially keen on learning the nuts and bolts of chairing one virtually. Fostering her love for MUN is Arshia's interest in international relations and current affairs. She hopes these interests create an avenue to create meaningful connections with her delegates and chairs alike. Overall, she is honored to be a student officer at IntrcMUN!

Solomon Chheang | Deputy Chair

Solomon is a junior at Logos International school. This will be his 9th conference over his 4 year mun career. He appreciates the experiences that mun has given him in solving world issues and toning various diplomatic skills. He is passionate about international relations, and plans to continue his studies in the creative and business field. In his free time, he likes to run and create sugary delights. Solomon is grateful for this platform in giving opportunities for mun collaborations during this chaotic time. He looks forward to the fruitful and productive debates that will take place in this committee.

Manya Arora | Crisis Director

Manya Arora a 16 year old currently studying in the 11th grade at Amity International School, Noida and have done many MUNs. She is really passionate about MUNs and believes that MUNing is one of those unique activities that lets people learn and possibly solve the worlds most complicated issues and displays ones abilities as a leader to come to those solution. Apart from MUNing she is also good at sports.


  1. The trial of Ted Bundy

DISCLAIMER: Crisis character profiles will be released on the day of the conference! There will be no background guide.

INTRCMUN - A Model UN Conference
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